When you are doing a chick from behind wearing a condom. Pull out a hose or a supersoaker and fill up the condom to the size of a large balloon (make sure you hold the condom so the water can't escape). When she starts to feel uncomfortable with the pressure yell I am Incredible Hulk! After you are bored with this, pull out leaving the condom in and watch the whole thing gush water.
There is an example of Incredible Hulk that Hoe in the definition.
by MikeBP February 8, 2008
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A.K.A. The Best Damn Band In Chippenham College. Known for such classics as "Walnut" and "Yum, Yum, Someone else's food"
"Hey, have you heard of The Return Of The Incredible Hardcore Crumpet Masters Of Doom?"
by James 'Natty' Lloyd October 21, 2003
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This is like the fusion sequel of the meme Mr. Incredible Becoming Uncanny where Mr. Incredible progressively becomes more and more traumatized and ascends simultaneously, which can lead to him becoming potentially insane both inside and outside the mortal realm and the universe itself.

The meme has reached the point where people fusing the same level of phases of 2 versions of Mr. Incredible Becoming ??? Memes combined to uniquely milk the meme. This form of the Mr. Incredible meme is only used in template-like formats.
Has the meme died yet?

Nope, there's Mr. Incredible Becoming Uncanny and Canny at the Same Time, giving more people ideas to uniquely milk the meme
by SBG times March 19, 2023
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I post a lot of music on this website.lyrics. Good music from all sorts of genres and from all decades and different cultures and styles.

When I was in jail the people there were amazed at how much Classic Rock bands I knew. When I got out of jail, People wrote to me about how smart I was and said I was one of the smartest people they’ve ever met. All of them were older than me and they didn’t even know half of the bands I came up with. One was a boomer who was like born in May of 1957. He had been in and out of jail since 1990.

Also, I’m a Cajun and live in a little cabin out in the woods. And I know about the Jew, British and French Huguenot thing. And I also know that the USA is still secretly a British crown colony thanks to my French heritage.

I also know a lot of European history probably even more than Europeans themselves…that’s a little pathetic.

Nobody else even has a clue. Not even other Americans. They are all caught up in other things and are pacified.

I mean, Come on. UD Jews, admit it — I’m a literal genius.
Do you find it incredible how smart I am?
by Death Menace March 17, 2023
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Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise
Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise
Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise
Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise


He just kept talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no one had a chance to interrupt, it was really quite hypnotic (hypnotic...)

Incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic
by fffffffffff November 23, 2007
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