a pun on two words used to describe an object as desirable / interesting: cool & hot
person 1: person 3, your pants are so cool
person 2: they're hott
person 2: they're ICE HOT!
by pulcher_sum September 7, 2005
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A rich man.
Ice meaning jewellry and Hot meaning, well handsome.
"Wow...you see that guy, he was HOT ICE eh!?"
by D-Man-F March 23, 2008
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Pirate from the anime Outlaw Star. It was her who originally stole Melfina from a rival band of pirates and gave Gene the ship that would later become the Outlaw Star.
Hild has cybernetic enhancements.
by SovietViking January 18, 2004
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Taking a shit in a refrigerator for some other unfortunate soul to clean up
He then landed a Hot Ice Cube in his friends house as revenge for him having intercourse with his girlfriend.
by Invadethezim May 24, 2011
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A sexual act similar to felching that requires breast milk instead of semen.
"We need to come up with a new sex fetish."
"How about something involving breast milk?"
"You mean like squirting it up someone's ass, then sucking it back out?"
"So... Hot ice cream?"
by empresss@hotmail.com October 24, 2011
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When you leave a 12 pack of Smirnoff Ice in your trunk during the summer and you decide to ice your boy even though you know they skunked.
Doing your boy dirty by giving him a hot ice
by CrispyHambino_ May 14, 2018
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