
How to say Jell-O in Spanish. Like when that guy comes to the door in the Rocky Horror Picture show, and everybody tells him to say Jell-O in Spanish, and he says "Hell-O"
by That freakin guy March 17, 2004
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some way to greet your peers or fwiends
by meepomeepmep November 19, 2020
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why the fuck are u searching up what hello means
yall dumb as fuck
hello is another word for anal
"pfft ofc i've done hello before"
by fuckingfetus October 17, 2019
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a way of saying hi to someone.
by r00fl3_CHIPP9 May 10, 2018
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A1: Hello, B1.

B1: Hello A1!

A1: ...

B1: ...
by But I want subs February 22, 2018
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greeting to others form of friendly greeting
hello im silly
by Rahim Walji December 4, 2003
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(1) an almost obscelete form of greeting most associated with straightlaced people;
(2) a polite way of answering a phone
(1)Bob (sees Bill on street): "Hello, Bill!"
Bill: "Well, hello, Bob."
(2)(Phone rings loudly)
Jim: "Hello?"
James Watson from AT&T: "Hi, this is James Watson from AT&T. I'm calling to talk to you about your long distance plan."
by AuburnTIGER February 12, 2004
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