A famous cereal based off of hell but in shapes of o's therefore Hell-o(Cereal may cause the melting of tongue, going to hell, becoming Satan but without powers, becoming a protagonist in a shitty Netflix movie, and DEATH).
Guy 1: Dude I love hellos they're so tasty!
Guy 2: Ikr
Guy 3: *Dies from eating hellos*
Guy 2 and 1: Hello, dude are you there?
Guy 3: *Cries in dead*
Guy 2: Ikr
Guy 3: *Dies from eating hellos*
Guy 2 and 1: Hello, dude are you there?
Guy 3: *Cries in dead*
by Proper Definitions Not Fake December 19, 2020
by kittengamer October 21, 2017
by henloidontOdinrobloxsorry December 20, 2019
by aaaay January 25, 2018
1) a sarcastic manner of asking what the heck someone is doing then followed by a quick and angry "telling off"
2) knowing someone said something wrong and just making sure they know what they just said.
2) knowing someone said something wrong and just making sure they know what they just said.
by what the crap May 10, 2006