
hello, get a life
by *~b o b b i e~* September 8, 2019
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A famous cereal based off of hell but in shapes of o's therefore Hell-o(Cereal may cause the melting of tongue, going to hell, becoming Satan but without powers, becoming a protagonist in a shitty Netflix movie, and DEATH).
Guy 1: Dude I love hellos they're so tasty!
Guy 2: Ikr

Guy 3: *Dies from eating hellos*
Guy 2 and 1: Hello, dude are you there?
Guy 3: *Cries in dead*
by Proper Definitions Not Fake December 19, 2020
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The one word you use when you have nothing better to say
Mother:"do your laundry!"
son: "hello?"
by kittengamer October 21, 2017
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your mom says hello to her old bf in high school ....5 mins later :NYA! HARDER HARDER!!!
by henloidontOdinrobloxsorry December 20, 2019
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A word used to introduce yourself.
by ksjs November 3, 2015
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So, what do you think about this?
*wait for a minute*
*if no response, you have lost them"
by aaaay January 25, 2018
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1) a sarcastic manner of asking what the heck someone is doing then followed by a quick and angry "telling off"

2) knowing someone said something wrong and just making sure they know what they just said.
1) Uh hello?!? *hands on hips* You best change your way of thinking bud!

2)Hello? What was that?
by what the crap May 10, 2006
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