A web translator that gets it's job done, but can sometimes give you some questionable results.

You can get these by typing in things like:
1. two or three letters over and over (aoaoaoaoao)
2. phonetic letters
3. long sentences
Person 1: Hey man! I just learned some Japanese!

Person 2: Then say something.

Person 1: Ok! ふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふ fufufufu...

Person 2: What does that mean?

Person 1: From here it's just two miles to the hotel that has been refurbished.

Person 2: Were you screwing with Google Translate again?
by retard_on_the_internet November 8, 2020
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A website that you can translate any word
Me:searches up " Google Translate "
Also me:*translates Urban Dictionary into german"
Translation:urbanes Wörterbuch
Me: wtf
by ihandlethisidk September 3, 2022
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a) A translating site where you can translate any language to another language
b) The savior of my french projects and why i'm doing so well in french
a) I use google translate for finding out more about Chinese
b) Whoa i got an 80 on my French project. Thanks google translate!
by Sir Robin the not so brave November 13, 2013
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A place where people will type stupid things in other languages to get a funny result in english. It's barely used for anything real.
𝙂𝙤𝙤𝙜𝙡𝙚 𝙏𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙨𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚 (Google Translate)

French: jus de oof
English: oof juice
by a lightswitch + a doorbell March 12, 2019
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A “Translator” that is never accurate
Me: “Hey google how do you say milk in japanese”


Me: “You fucking garbage Google Translate I asure you thats not how you say milk”
by YUNG DEUS VULT October 20, 2018
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The world's funniest Google website. Simply choose a language, do an Irish jig on your computer keyboard, and you will get a VERY accurate translation. For example, fryfryfryfryfryfryfry from Welsh becomes "wondrous wonders". Incredible!
With the power of Google translate, I can turn "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." into "Long walls and black anger."!!!
by Mr Half-written Dictionary April 28, 2021
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