A sport where old white men can dress like homosexual pimps and no one will care.
Were you in the gay Leprechaun on your sweater that doesn't care on the golf course?
by M4s73r ch33f April 23, 2010
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A sport that makes skill, mental strength, and patience as important as strength. Is infurating when you struggle. And amazing when you play well. A well struck golf ball is the purest feeling in the world, and is just enough to keep you coming back for more. You should give it a chance it's worth it. but be careful it has similar effects on you as meth ie: it's addicting
Just go watch tin cup things will make sense it's about golf
by Golfergal1234 July 4, 2013
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The best sport ever created, for two main reasons

1. Its next to impossible to get hurt playing it, and requires extreme skill and precision to play (anyone who thinks different has never played it and cant)
2. It is the ONLY!!! sport that you can play for 3/4's of your life, people from the age of 8 up to 70 can play.
"Hey charlie wanna go play some golf?" "Sure grandpa!!"
by The only trustworthy man alive September 5, 2011
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The act of puting your ball (testicle) into the hole (vagina) and using it to bring the woman to climax
My left nut really hurts since I went golfing with Suzanne.
by pimpdaddy67 April 15, 2015
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It is called "golf" because all the other four letter words were taken, for the game that can reward and frustrate like no other.
F*ck or Sh*t are two of many examples used just after the the ball is struck. even the word "Four" is shouted often to express the "joys" of Golf.
by WesWes March 13, 2008
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Golf, being the sport/game played by many.. Also known as G.O.L.F. Standing for; Girls.Only.Little.Focker. . So by reading the previous statement it has been very clearly shown that if you are not a girl (female), then this sport should not be played by you. . . Always abide to the rules.
Wendy, "Hey Sarah, are you up for a lil G.O.L.F this weekend?"
Sarah, "Sure Wendy, can I bring my boyfriend?"
Wendy, "No, stupid.. Golf is for Girls.Only.Little.Focker."
Sarah, "Ah right! My bad."
by Rose_Nic July 24, 2011
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Golf= a man who looks like one of those pictures on pinterest who you would like to know but! its like seasonal, so his not necessarily your type but when you get into ‘that zone’ (zone=vibe) you want him so you say: “i want a man that is golf.”
“He is golf.”
by thatbishnatasha January 3, 2022
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