the worst thing you can possibly say to someone. this phrase can destroy someone and they will have no way of coming back
by Xx_ass_eater_69 August 12, 2018
roblox player 1: ur an idit
roblox player 2: ur the f word
roblox player 1: stop being having autism
roblox player 1: go commit die
roblox player 2: ur the f word
roblox player 1: stop being having autism
roblox player 1: go commit die
by iiJason124 August 28, 2018
by alee2006 October 5, 2018
by A$$Hole with no swag. June 30, 2018
1. an ironic catch phrase on roblox
2. a catch phrase that is very stupid and the enemy will give up (unlike no u)
2. a catch phrase that is very stupid and the enemy will give up (unlike no u)
by imp fuck2 September 24, 2018
The worst possible insult known to roblox. Upon saying this to ANYONE in game or in the real world, they'll die 666666666666666666666666666 times and be sent directly to hell. This is the only insult worse than ur family reunion a homosexual communion. It also cannot be countered by a no u and can only be countered by using an uno reverse card.
Robloxkid69: ur mom gay
LordCowCow: no u
Robloxkid69: ur daddy lesbian
LordCowCow: Go commit die
Robloxkid69: *has a fucking stroke both in roblox and in real life and fucking turns blue and implodes and fucking dies*
LordCowCow: no u
Robloxkid69: ur daddy lesbian
LordCowCow: Go commit die
Robloxkid69: *has a fucking stroke both in roblox and in real life and fucking turns blue and implodes and fucking dies*
by TheAngryNerd April 30, 2019