
To squint your eyes in a certain way to make you seem mad, or angry.
I always glare at her so she knows I am mad at her.
by Anonymous*** November 4, 2007
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The glare was one of the three mobs for the 2021 minecraft mob vote, but no one voted for him because he was just the “f3” key
Bob: it’s so sad that the glare didn’t win, he would have been so usefull!

Michael: Bob you are high again you idiot
by Tom00s December 7, 2021
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A group of cats.
There's a glaring up ahead.
by Xtinas October 27, 2016
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Glare Ice

Icy road conditions that even farm boys are scared to drive on.
"That Dolan boy won't come to work when there is glare ice on the roads"
by GoCtotheB December 29, 2011
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The nigga glare

When a black man is stoned with his eye lids low glaring at something or someone.
I can tell your high because your giving me the nigga glare.
by Nigga glare February 11, 2019
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death glare

A look of pure hatred given to someone that has seriously wronged you. When done successfully, it should appear as if daggers or flames are coming out from your eyes. The most fierce of death glares will even reduce people to tears, or make them move away from you in fear.
Bob: Man is that girl a jerk!
Joe: Hahahahaha
Girl: *death glare*
Joe: Dude, look at the death glare she's giving you you better back off.
by valrockstar328 December 4, 2007
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the glare of disgust

It's that look you get from somebody who enters the restroom as you are exiting after having dropped a particularly smelly dump.Many times the unsuspecting victim will stop dead in their tracks as if they had walked into an invisible wall.They may even be taken aback a step or two. The matter is further complicated if the victim is a friend or acquaintance. Future relations will certainly be diminished because you will always be associated with the smell of your shit.
The principal walked into the men's room just as I flushed my mess. The glare of disgust told me I may not graduate this year.
by wolfbait51 April 22, 2011
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