60 definitions by Tommy Wommy Womsters

Van der Beek

Remember Matthew Lesko? He totally Van der Beeked.
by Tommy Wommy Womsters April 3, 2005
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Clitoral enlargement

What occurs when a woman takes a lot of steroids.
Dude, I have no tits, I talk like a man and I have back hair and major clitoral enlargement!
by Tommy Wommy Womsters May 22, 2003
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The unfortunate growth of a sex organ originating from inside the rectum and protruding through the anus.
Eww, dude, you have a fuckin' buttpenis. That's nasty.
by Tommy Wommy Womsters May 15, 2003
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Flava Flav

The coolest fucking rapper in the universe...well, him and Chuck D, both of whom are in seminal rap group Public Enemy.
Man, Flava Flav is funny. FUNNY LOOKIN'! WHAT,
by Tommy Wommy Womsters September 16, 2003
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Public Enemy

A crazy buncha nigs who know can string rhymes together better than anyone!
Man, Public Enemy is really a talented bunch. Especially because Flava Flav wears a GIANT FUCKING CLOCK.
by Tommy Wommy Womsters September 16, 2003
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1) Of or relating to semen.
2) A buncha crazy indians.
1) Dude, your mom was seminal in suckin' deeez nuuutz.
2) Man...look at those seminals. What a buncha seminal assholes.
by Tommy Wommy Womsters September 16, 2003
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penile cavity

The result of being so goddamn afraid your penis freaks out and sucks into your intestines.
Looking at that fucking Eskimo/Whale freaked me out so much my weenus shrunk into itself, forming a penile cavity.
by Tommy Wommy Womsters October 8, 2003
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