A sexual act which involves removing your penis from a girls vagina, ejaculating in your hand and feeding it to the girl. The sound that is made while the girl is eating said sperm from your hand, should be similar to the sound of a gerbal eating its food.... hence the name. There is different variations of gerbals such as, the "waterfall", "spicy gerbal", the "typewritter", etc. After the act speaking or seeing the girl afterwards is frowned apon due to the level of disgust of the girl and lack of respect.
last night i gerbaled this girl i met from the bar. i came in my hand and she totally ate every drop of cum off of it!
by Gerbalfather September 25, 2010
The act of inserting a live gerbal, hamster, or other small rodent into one's anus for sexual pleasure.
"dude, my neighbor had those PETA fags knocking on his door and yelling becase he had a rat up his ass."
"yeah dude, he was gerballing."
"yeah dude, he was gerballing."
by Spooky Brown January 28, 2010
by Weird al wachervich January 27, 2016
The act, individual or collective of introducing into the human rectum, a live gerbal, usual an adult male for the purpose of gaining, directly or indirectly, sadistic and erotic gratification.
by Russell Clark March 15, 2004
the process by which someone crawl's up someone else's ass; the act of becoming totally subserviant. One can gerbalize oneself, or be gerbalized by another.
by gray dove May 15, 2010
“So Herbal Gerbal”- zacH HeRrOn
by @duhjtznayeli June 15, 2018
"I sure love fucking her pink gerball"
by michaelZ June 18, 2006