A general insult that can be applied to anyone you find disagreeable. Ostensibly, a nugget of fuck.
Your dad is such a fucknugget.
by josh February 16, 2003
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Fucknugget: referring to someone who is a complete and total idiot. i.e someone who doesnt get the point when trying to explain something to them.
ex. Wilson, you are such a fucknugget, shut up and listen.
by PoPoGonnaGetYou August 23, 2005
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a person who has neither legs or arms and is used purely for sexual gratification, the person usually resembles a small nugget with a head
hey dave heard you made it last night with that disabled chick.
yeah man that fucknugget was an animal
by fucknugget4life May 3, 2011
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an idiot, an incompetent individual, someone who is unwilling to comprehend
Bush is a fucknugget for not paying attention to the country's need for economic improvement.
by Nicole September 9, 2004
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Willy: "Dad canceled your porn sunscription."

Wally: "Fucknuggets!"
by master_of_bait January 14, 2009
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