Slang to get rid of noobs out of your sight, respectively. It is also used for people who want to have a relationship with you and want to become friends in seconds when still, you do not know them.
<"The-Noob"> is this farklem, the creator of dothlao
<Superior> What do you want?...
<"The-Noob"> i just wanna say ur awsome, but u dont have to give me u think i can have ur aim. Im a good friend of hizlo
<Superior> No, I was not giving you attitude. Text does not have feelings. I'll give you a sierra tango foxtrot uniform if you go away...
<"The-Noob"> wats that. and all i wanted was to be ur friend
<Superior> ...
<"The-Noob"> u sounded so nice in that halomods interveiw
<Superior> Dare-ni mukatte mono itten-dayo.
by GenGi500 July 8, 2006
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Military phonetic alphabet for "Go fuck yourself." Look at the first letter of each word.
I told my commanding officer the coordinates were: "Golf Oscar Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo Yankee Oscar Uniform Romeo Sierra Echo Lima Foxtrot." Thank god he never learned I told him to go fuck himself.
by CharlieUniformNovemberTango January 6, 2017
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The act of taking a woman and concocting a green jelly (or any color of choice) which is pored into the female's anal cavity and put in a large refridgerator until the jello is in a solid state and is followed by a rim job with a tasty treat.
by Tooslow April 28, 2008
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A human who is into the macabre and abhors almost everyone and bullies the people they do like
Bruh ur being such a Foxtrot
by takanoru December 13, 2022
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Military phonetic alphabet spelling of "FTW" (Fuck The World).
Foxtrot Tango Whiskey means "Fuck The World", i cant find a way to use this in a sentence.
by DABund March 29, 2024
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