Something that Snoop likes to say
Snoop: Foshizzle my hizzle in the nizzle

Everyone else: Shut the f!@K up.
by zachfess January 14, 2013
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I'm going to foshizzle! Be back from the track at say...5?
by Vidbro November 26, 2010
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"Hey, watup - foshizzle to tha e-dizzle, mah nizzle"
by Paul Phoenix January 13, 2006
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(noun) to have a foshizzle is to have a good time at Christmas.
Hope you have a foshizzle man!
by Elftastic123 December 29, 2011
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King and Queen of Message boards until a coup de ta of several banshee lescbians threw them out of reign. Story goes they regained some power over certain board members and now reside another message board. Word is its boring as fuck and because of that they still come and troll their original kingdom out of jealousy and hopes they will one day reign again.
Foshizzle - Someone who feeds on power over others. Without this they wither away into dingleberries.
by Sizzling_Poop March 31, 2006
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It's like "fiddle sticks", but more modern.
Hey, did you shut off the water? Oh foshizzle sticks I forgot!
by yack35 July 25, 2006
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