
Can be used synonymously with "to give someone shit," but in a less profane way. To Nag. Jewish children are often on the receiving end from their mothers.
"The guys gave me flak for my new sweater, they thought it was girly."
by Rafool December 28, 2009
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To knock someone unconscious very quickly.
"dayum bro, Chris got flakked"
by RipX555 May 13, 2023
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verb - to hurt or degrade

See also: Flakkin'
I'll flak you up son!
by Baruchhhh February 7, 2007
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To be so drunk that one no longer is capable of normal thought processes.
Why can’t he talk? “Bro he’s flakked”
by Yeetsire July 16, 2017
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Flak, verb.

To be in an undesirable position.
You're flakked!
by Therawyn December 11, 2009
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In the Unreal series of fps games, the act of spraying Flak cannon, rocket launcher, Instagib, or Biorifle shots over a large object or past a blind corner in the hope that such fire will cause a frag. Usually practiced by newbs and llamas.
Player: FFS stop flakking down the main corridor! You're just blocking the main access to the ball room!
by ps10n1c April 16, 2003
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