A wormhole; a tear in time and space that immediately transports a person or object to a completely random destination exactly eight seconds after entrance
During Tom's drive to the grocery store, an esho enveloped his car. Seconds later, he found himself frozen to death orbiting Neptune.
by MAESTRO MIRANDA September 1, 2010
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A term of endearment originating in Corvallis Oregon but now used all over the country. Literal translation is "I love you."
Sarah: I have to go.... Esho-Bosho!
Tati: okay see you later! Esho-Bosho!
by dragonfiddler December 10, 2011
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The only girl that would make ur mouth drop is Marena Esho she is unbelievably sexy and I just make my mouth water when looking at her Theres only one of Marena Esho so dont let them go!!!
by LOLGANGA June 18, 2020
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used to describe someone who isn’t very smart
You are like Stephan Esho
by SkullplayerJD May 10, 2023
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A person who really doesn't care about what your name means on urban dictionary.
Esho likes cake.
by Sean² November 23, 2021
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An import way of saying "Eshay"
Oh lets bash some esho's
by Sack School February 11, 2021
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