Using excessive emoticons or emojis while texting, in an emotional state
Wow, Sally is being so emojional right now, she needs to stop sending me so many smiley faces.
by :):(:D:P March 24, 2015
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(of a person) having the tendency to express intense emotions habitually via text messages composed primarily of emojis, esp. as opposed to communicating such feelings through a different medium and/or more verbally directly.

(of a text message) comprised of mostly if not entirely of emojis that communicate personally critical emotionality
I know Raekwon's emojional friend is currently extremely upset, but this text is indecipherable: what could they possibly hope to communicate starting with Panda Bear face, followed by Syringe, Orange Cocktail, Pill, and Barber Pole emojis?
by 1<l10mmm November 1, 2016
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This word can be used in context when viewing a sad and emotional movie such as the Emoji Movie and after experiencing such a sad and heart-breaking movie, the word "Emojional" was coined to express ultimate sadness (you can only be emojional if you watch the emoji movie)
Man, I just watched The Emoji movie in Cinema and I bought tissues instead of popcorn because I know its going to be emojional
by The Nonceler June 14, 2018
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The act of displaying your emotions through a series of emojis.
Sarah was so angry she displayed her emojions in that message.
by yeetboi420 December 31, 2015
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The use of emojis to express emotion through text.
Carla: 🤣😄😥
Stan: What's wrong with you?
Carla: idk, I just feel emojional. 😫
by T.J.Wolfe August 7, 2018
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When you use the wrong emoji to react to something.
I sent her a "laughing so hard I'm crying" emoji, when she told me her grandfather died. Caused some emojional dissonance.
by ReignForestWhitaker June 11, 2016
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A feeling of frustration or discontent that one gets while texting someone who spews out emojis like semen, and is constantly using the wrong emojis for the emotion for which it was intended. And will use emoji poo to talk about you behind your back, but uses. Only smiley, happy, teary-eyed emojis to your face. And when your sick you receive a firework emoji instead of flowers emoji. And have made it their lifes mission to use every single emoji that is available to them even if it creates mass confusion.
Im feeling so emojional right now. "You remember Richard right .?( Dick). That guy has become an emojional wreck and is always ejaculating his emojis all over my facebook page. Im not sure how much more i can take.
by grimacedoe November 3, 2019
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