n. "emo•jeeuns" - showing or expressing emotion through the use of emojis.
Dude we had such a good convo last night, she showed tons of emojions!
by ExoticCars247 October 23, 2016
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A feeling of frustration or discontent that one gets while texting someone who spews out emojis like semen, and is constantly using the wrong emojis for the emotion for which it was intended. And will use emoji poo to talk about you behind your back, but uses. Only smiley, happy, teary-eyed emojis to your face. And when your sick you receive a firework emoji instead of flowers emoji. And have made it their lifes mission to use every single emoji that is available to them even if it creates mass confusion.
Im feeling so emojional right now. "You remember Richard right .?( Dick). That guy has become an emojional wreck and is always ejaculating his emojis all over my facebook page. Im not sure how much more i can take.
by grimacedoe November 3, 2019
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Emoji + Emotional = Emojional

Expressing emotions through use of digital picture icons known as emojis.

When people choose to share their thoughts and feelings through emojis in their digital communications.

Being emojional is a form of art and/or a state of mind.

It could also be the description of how much a person uses emojis in their digital notes, texts, social media and emails etc.

It can simply be remembered as a word used just like emotional when it is also in context of emoji use.
Emojional language is a great way to send positive vibes online.

Have you noticed how extra emojional everyone is on Instagram?

I love an emojional response to my text messages.
by Zara Mascara June 5, 2020
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