
1.The face you make when you're on the bus staring into nothingness with your mouth open.

2.The sound you make when someone completely stupifies you and you don't know what else to say.

3.The sound a mentally challenged person (retard) makes.
Bus example:
"Look at that kid, he's making a durrr face!"
by XSIRH & GIZXVB November 3, 2005
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The same as saying no duh or the sound a retard makes and is fun to say with a lot of people.
Kid 1: Your sister is soooo hott.

Kid 2: Durrr...
by J June 21, 2005
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A word used by a southerner in reaction to a group of girls that hail from Pennsylvania, usually used in the vicinity of a verrryyy slow moving bar in southern Alabama.
Southerner: "hey, where ya'll from?"

Group: "Pennsylvania"

Southerner: "durrr"
by khan90 March 11, 2010
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Another way of saying retard.
Other spelling include dur, durr, duur etc...
"What happened?"
"I don't know... I'm a durrr..."
by BN November 24, 2004
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When one person, while engaging in a conversation with someone, and that someone says something silly or stupid--the other person responds with "Durr...." Similar to using the word "duh."
Cooper: ...yeah, David Carradine was so creepy. I met him once while shooting Kung Fu: The Legend Continues.
Kelly: He's dead now, right? (Pause)
Kelly: I know I'm a guy, but I'm a modern guy who can admit that David Carradine was one, good looking guy--damn, dude! I never miss an episode of The Partridge Family...he kinda looks like a chick!
Cooper: That was David Cassidy! Not David Carradine.
Kelly: Ohhhhh.
Cooper: Durrr...
by Babydoll75 May 16, 2019
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Tom "Durrr" Dwan

A young famous online poker player, a cash game specialist and one of the best if not best cash player in the world. Is frequently playing in the highest games that exist.

Started out in 2005 with 50$ online, has it run up to several Millions now.

Also appeared in TV a lot of times, for example in High Stakes Poker and several other shows.

Online Nicknames : Holdem_NL (Pokerstars), Durrr ( FullTiltPoker)
Dude have you seen Tom "Durrr" Dwan playing today? He is up about 800 grands!
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Dur da durrr

Courtney during any given circumstance or situation ever
Dur da durrr courtney , your head would be lost if it wasn’t attached to you.
by Squaddiddle_chickenlittle December 5, 2024
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