6 definitions by BN

Nikoloz Tskitishvili
- NBA player
Dude, Nuggets should trade Skita... He sucks heavy balls.
by BN October 19, 2004
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Another way of saying retard.
Other spelling include dur, durr, duur etc...
"What happened?"
"I don't know... I'm a durrr..."
by BN November 24, 2004
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Some newb on irc that makes up words
1513.48       w1ck3d_c10wn: bluenomad is grym
1514.03       bluenomad: grym?
1514.25       w1ck3d_c10wn: yeah
1514.45       bluenomad: yeay whats itmean
1514.55       w1ck3d_c10wn: @_@
1515.00       w1ck3d_c10wn: www.urbandictionary.com
1515.45       bluenomad: grym is undefined. Try these:
by BN January 21, 2005
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It eats Vectors, poops scalars; and invariant to coordinate transformation.
Tim: hey buddy... I hear you've hit on hard times and have had to start stretching your money as far as it can go!
Bob: It's true... my five's exhausted, and my tensor!
by BN February 5, 2004
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The only type of guy who will Buy the wrong sized condom when knowing he's going to get laid that night.
P1:dude I bought the wrong sized condoms last night and could have sex with my girl.
P2: shit you're such a Greg!
by BN April 12, 2015
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