
a deliberately dumb or dull insult, used when replying to someone who said or wrote something stupid or insipid
Did you read what she wrote in her blog?
Yeah, I sent her a dult.
by SirMatelot November 19, 2009
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a replacement word; it can be used in lieu of any curse or offensive word
"What the dult?"
"Suck my dult."
by te's friend June 2, 2004
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When you have to do some adult things, you can simply say dulting or spelt dultin'.

Either way is a very dumb way of saying you have adult responsibilities to take care of. First coined on X92.9 in Calgary by X Afternoons with Mariah and Ty
I have to do some dulting tonight and paint my house.
by TrendSettah4Lyfe June 16, 2023
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A phenomenon where adults still cling to childish passtimes and ideologies, such as the watching of cartoons, the purchasing of toys and the playing of games, due to their desire to remain young.
What the hell are you wearing?? You look like such a kid-dult in those bunches!
by Alice March 16, 2005
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Twi-dult's are the adult population obsessed with the Twilight saga. Twilight is no longer only a teenage obsession. The Twi-dult's have more disposable income than the average teenage Twilight fan thus being able to buy ridiculus amounts of Twilight merchandise. The most extreme obsessions are evident when the Twi-dult's incorporate a part of Twilight into their everyday lives.
Veronica could be the leader of the Twi-dults. Her bedroom is decorated in a Twilight theme and her husband threw her a Twilight themed birthday party when she turned 34.
by FASH1976 September 20, 2009
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an adult that is still a child at heart, and/or sometimes acts like a child.

likes to watch cartoons, play tag and hide and seek, play video games, etc.
Delia likes to watch cartoons, what a chi-dult!
by d.net April 26, 2010
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A people-pleasing, mooch off you, your Ma, your Mama's Mama, instead of having to get a job and live in the real world. DULT cannot ADULT, there is far too much of an immaturity and incompetency wrapped in the word DULT.
When is going to stop being a DULT, and step up to the plate for responsibility? He's 45!
by SKAOREGON (Jamaal XY) June 14, 2024
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