by Doloris July 3, 2007
by Jimmy123456 May 8, 2006
1. Elongated form of the phrase "dis."
2. Taken from "Was that a dis? Yes, in fact, I do believe it was."
2. Taken from "Was that a dis? Yes, in fact, I do believe it was."
by Trevi October 23, 2003
by Jennifer June 14, 2004
:: when the bartender pours 8 shots of patron::
“dis is dis”
:: when you step in dog shiii ::
“Dis is not dis”
“dis is dis”
:: when you step in dog shiii ::
“Dis is not dis”
by Patronaiiir May 25, 2019
Commonly used on forums, *dies* indicates the act of dying in a virtual environment. Note: Whoever said it isn't really dead.
by The Reverand May 26, 2004
a phrase used in response to one inquiring to as where an object went, or where an objest is.
also can be used as 'they', 's/he', 'we', and other pronouns.
also can be used as 'they', 's/he', 'we', and other pronouns.
by jaykitsune February 27, 2004