My key

He is an anime character or that is what he is called in a particular scene ppl also call ppl with the name Michael as My key.
person1:My key!

person2:what is it?
by JJMgreen7 February 14, 2022
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digging for my keys

To digitally penetrate. Used to describe foreplay in a joking manner or to describe a clinical visit to a doctor.
“He’s been selfish in bed lately. I’m not going down on him until he spends a few minutes digging for my keys.”

“Went to my gyno today. Nothing like meeting a complete stranger for the firs time while they dig for your keys!”
by Lauralai22 April 30, 2018
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tickle my keys

Can u tickle my keys?!
by Alez2003 December 6, 2017
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Gimme my keys

When someone drunk insists on driving home. Why waste money on an uber when god created a vehicle for you to drive?
“That sidewalk slammer didn’t even touch me. Gimme my keys!”
by GeedEater December 2, 2022
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i lost my keys

I was an idiot and let a girl hold my keys in her purse, now "I lost my keys".
by Donkeypunch13 January 12, 2014
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i have lost my keys

A process where you lose your keys in order to gain infinite power. The power is so infinite that the universe restarts to the big bang and the universe created afterwards is an universe where you lose small metal objects called keys.
Man, that power is so strong, its almost like i have lost my keys.
by nir5117 February 6, 2018
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help my j key is broken

often typed when a j key on a keyboard is broken.
wait how would you type it if its broken?
by TheBroken10thLetterKey March 29, 2018
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