Alright nice talking to you, deg deg


Deg, how r u
by Nav2Trappy June 11, 2022
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an insult mixing 'dirty' and 'egg'. dirty+ egg= deg
alternatively 'deggy'.
Jess: 'You're such a deg.'
Amelia: 'I had a shower yesterday!'
by sarcasticbil February 16, 2021
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DEG is a word used for a bald man
Person 1: "He's DEG."
Person 2: "Yeah, and bad at Pokémon too.
*DEG cries in Mr. Clean*
by Urban my Jurbin June 25, 2023
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basically calling the girl a hoe, but it’s ok, we still love her... “”
that girl is literally deg, what a whore.
by jonyrodrii December 4, 2017
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