1. Synonym for Damn.
2. Surname from Vietnamese culture
1. Dang, too bad we lost
2. My name is Tracy Dang
by twenty5 July 13, 2004
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When the moisture that perspires (or sometimes squirts) from a female's vagina, usually from stimulation, smells or tastes bad.
"I'm telling you Bro, she was such a babe, but once I went down on her, she had the nastiest case of the dange. Shit was so sour
by Dimm December 10, 2013
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(exclamation, taboo) An exclamation used to show annoyance, anger, or frustration
NOTE: This is a more polite version of "damn or damn it".
by Xxdeurbanmeme4xX August 3, 2019
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1. Man... I got danged on that exam.
2. I Jenny got danged by a bunch of guys at that party.
3. Andie danged Jenny pretty good.
by DannyL October 11, 2005
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-When your attempt failes in public.
-To confirm youre failure.
-When things go bad.
- Your foot gets shredded by the lawnmower.
- Bird flies over and shits in your neck.
- Your boss asks for your reply to your $10.000,- mistake.
by APE *** March 11, 2005
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