by BringTheBandalore September 25, 2015
the cherry bakewell is being held in custody after raping a rhubarb crumble. No wait... thats custardy!
by runnybum December 1, 2005
Protective custody is the place in county jail where the snitches, child molesters and homosexuals are placed. PC for short. PC punks are what the inmates are called.
by ronmetrx1 June 20, 2011
When a couple breaks up, one person gets to keep the mutual friends while the other must find new ones because being around each other would be too awkward. The person who keeps the friends is said to be granted Friend Custody.
Bob: Why don't you come out with us tonight?
Phil: Because when Jane and I broke up, she got Friend Custody.
Phil: Because when Jane and I broke up, she got Friend Custody.
by thebetterfriend2 March 20, 2010
by CDuFF105 July 27, 2008
Someone, most likely a divorcing woman, that holds her child for ransom and controls the custodial arrangements until the court order starts.
by mister_S_2011 August 4, 2011
A master of the custodial arts. Or a janitor, if you wanna be a dick about it...give those Custodial Engineer's a break!
"Thurgood Jenkins: Guys just shutup about the weed for two seconds, I don't want this girl to know I smoke
Scarface: Yeah it's bad enough you a janitor yo.
Thurgood Jenkins: Custodian, dick!"
"I'm a Custodial Engineer...not a janitor!"
"ooo you make your job sound special..."
Scarface: Yeah it's bad enough you a janitor yo.
Thurgood Jenkins: Custodian, dick!"
"I'm a Custodial Engineer...not a janitor!"
"ooo you make your job sound special..."
by IIIIXIII313 October 12, 2007