A couple is a pair of two people as boyfriend and girlfriend, boyfriend and boyfriend, girlfriend and girlfriend. A couple loves each other deeply and tell each other everything. Good couples don't lie to each other and tell each other how they feel, but bad couples can keep secrets from each other. A couple doesn't have any standard rules, it's just what works best for the two.
OMG!!! Amelia and Evan are such a cute couple together.
WOW! Gavin and Amelia are such a bad couple, their relationship is really toxic.
WOW! Gavin and Amelia are such a bad couple, their relationship is really toxic.
by TheTruthfulDefentions October 3, 2020
That couple refers to the couple that you turn into when you act all cutsie around each other and make other people (single people) want to vomit and skewer themselves on a flaming hot poker.
by Rink September 25, 2006
Hit UK TV show, that flopped when remade stateside. Proof that humour is on the whole non-exportable.
"The plot of Lesbian spank inferno?
Well, there is these five lesbian film makers who decide to hold a competion to see who can make the best.. er art film. So they show each other the films and the loser gets err... spanked."
"They all get spanked in that one don't they"
"Err thats right they decide that to spank just one is discrimatory, so they decide they... all... need a.... spanking..."
"You've been watching porn again haven't you?"
"Oh god yes I am so sorry!!!!"
(Series 2 episode 3)
Well, there is these five lesbian film makers who decide to hold a competion to see who can make the best.. er art film. So they show each other the films and the loser gets err... spanked."
"They all get spanked in that one don't they"
"Err thats right they decide that to spank just one is discrimatory, so they decide they... all... need a.... spanking..."
"You've been watching porn again haven't you?"
"Oh god yes I am so sorry!!!!"
(Series 2 episode 3)
by Black Flag May 29, 2004
An it couple are a super cool couple who are generally hot. People want to be this couple as they are amazing to look at.
Jack the super cool, gorgeous quater back of the football team is going out with Jenna the lead chearleader. There the new it couple!
by Katriana! November 6, 2007
officer: how much you had to drink tonight sir?
Man: just a couple of beers.
"hey i gotta a couple of bucks to put on that sack son!"
Man: just a couple of beers.
"hey i gotta a couple of bucks to put on that sack son!"
by mh53 December 26, 2005
by Iramch Spittlinger June 17, 2009
by Ahhmeer April 13, 2008