by DH December 20, 2004
by picklestein June 21, 2016
by 0mG U 1Os3R I knoW u HacK August 10, 2004
A fps that was originally a mod for Half-Life, since then it has bloomed into its own game but still runs off of the Half-Life engine.
by 1337 |-|4x0|2 August 14, 2006
a once great online FPS that has been overrun by cheaters, power happy admins and idiots. most of these people are between the ages of 10 and 13. counter-strike or cs for short used to be a great game requiring brains and quick reflexes but has been turned into one needing the best hacks you can get. VERY addicting despite its problems. if you have never played it before, dont play it, trust me it will fuck up your social life and turn you into a pasty white thin kid with acne and asthma.
by name here October 11, 2004
Most addicting video game ever, next to World of Warcraft. Any chick that tells you not to play CS for hours on end can suck a fat one.
Weed, sex, guitars, and counter-strike through high school, then use my dad's money to get me into college.
the way to live life
the way to live life
by bryan18 August 16, 2005
The best online game of all time. Often put down by people who tried to play, got pissed off because they sucked, and quit. Combines reflexes and strategy.
by Tyler May 24, 2003