by cheryl-renee March 4, 2005
When you get so incredibly stoned that you actually become a part of the couch. It becomes impossible to move. Usually followed by playing grand theft auto, eating $20 worth of taco bell, singing the entire national anthem, getting lost for 2 hours in the Wal-mart parkinglot, stealing traffic cones and wearing them as hats, smoking another joint, listening to aqueous transmission by Incubus, eating a whole bag of doritos, drinking 5 gallons of kool-aid, and finally trying to watch all of Half Baked with out passing out.
by Pot-Head August 30, 2006
When one has smoked copious amounts of Marijuana and is unable to move from an absolute position of pure comfort.
by BareTime November 22, 2016
When you get a really strong body high and cannot get up off the couch, usually obtained when smoking indica weed.
by tony acuna's mom February 22, 2008
Experiencing the sensation of weighing over a gazillion tons. The physical forces required to move oneself under the effects of couchlock are astronomically inconceivable.
by Shiques July 24, 2014
by TJ February 13, 2004
by BringMeCloser April 21, 2005