
calculator i'd like (to) function
Man that TI-84's a cilf
by Mr. <B> October 19, 2009
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by Assweepay May 12, 2004
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During a family reunion, you run into a cousin who you had not seen in years. She is about your age, and he hotness compensates for the fact that she is a relative. You still wanna fuck her! She is a CILF!
by Doum April 18, 2007
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counselor i'd like to fuck. mostly refering to school counselors, but any counselor works.
dude youre so lucky you got a cilf this year. my counselor has a gigantic fupa.
by 30min in the rubba August 15, 2009
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Man that TI-84's a cilf
by Doinchips October 19, 2009
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I was walkig the morgue when I stumbled upon a room full of CILFs
by yo momma November 2, 2003
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