38 definitions by yo momma

Hey Joe, lets go play some Ariel Sharon.
by yo momma November 26, 2004
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online game where the kids took over & don't know the difference between a duck and a goose
The Duckster>goose
The Duckster>Duckville
by yo momma April 9, 2005
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Old women can't have no mo' babies.
Shelby: I missed ma period!!
Chatarra: You got menopause!
by yo momma November 28, 2004
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1)Kick ass song by Suicidal Tendencies
2)Placed in or commited to a specialized institution
All I wanted was a Pepsi. Just one Pepsi. And she wouldn't give it to me. Just a Pepsi.

Had hopes of rehabilitating the institutionalized juvinile delinquents.
by yo momma November 18, 2004
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One of teh few things that has kept SD! going the last few months. JBL cuts great promos, is entertaining, and is an awesome heel. JBL rules!

If you think JBL sucks, you are one of them dumb ass marks that doesn't know pro wrestling is scripted.
by yo momma January 12, 2005
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Overrated musician who was married to that weirdo bitch Courtney Love.
If you were married to Courtney Love, you commit suicide too.
by yo momma January 12, 2005
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A WWE wrestling show that has been around since 1993. Currently, the product has been kind of boring, but it is still better than smackdown.
RoH >>>>>>>>>> TNA >>>>>>>>> Raw >>> SD!
by yo momma February 18, 2005
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