20 definitions by Assweepay

An obese Star Trek fan often seen at sci-fi conventions.
Known to frequently masturbate to pictures of Gates McFadden.
Those evil Lardassians are lining up for an autograph of the actress who played Roxanna Troy.
by Assweepay September 6, 2007
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When two men get 'married', it is a gayriage, not a gay marriage.
A marriage is between a man and a woman, NOT a man and man or a woman and a woman (a lesriage).
Elton John played at Lance and Bruce's gayriage.
by Assweepay July 1, 2005
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The time Geddy Lee likes to get his freak on.
Hey baby, it's a quarter to eight,
I feel I'm in the mood.
Hey baby, the hour is late,
I feel I've got to move.
by Assweepay September 20, 2005
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The cardinals entered the conclave to masturbate to pictures of 8 year old boys.
by Assweepay April 17, 2005
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