
1. any one of the three meals a day, or any snack in between meals

2. a means of telling time (relative to one of the three meals a day)

3. The 3rd most important thing to a grunt.
1. Got any chow? My stomach is digesting itself.

2. Pvt: Hey Sarge, what time is it?
Sgt: It's about half hour till dinner chow.

3. After the good private cleaned his weapon and changed his socks, he scored some chow.
by panzerr October 12, 2004
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by Beezyopoulos March 24, 2011
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Cheaper Hash Or Weed = CHOW mainly ment as a lesser grade of high quality weed or hash but to be confussed with commercial and definitely not dirt weed or swag hash.
-"man, this chow could be the bomb if dr.greenthumb knew how to grow it properly."
*"but its still a good high"
-"oh no doubt!, but with the right fingers it could be much better."
by x February 2, 2004
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Surname in Chinese. Listed as the 7th biggest surname in popularity after "Chan, Lee, Cheung, Wong, Ho and Au"

Variation : Chau
Movie Star :
Chow Yuen Fat
Chow Sing Chi (Steven Chow)
by carby October 27, 2005
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1. Chinese surname.

2. Another word for bye

3. Another word for food

1. My last name is Chow

2. bye!...chow

3. I'm going to eat puppy chow tonight..woo wee!
by chowman October 28, 2006
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Chow that jacket is sik blad
by ultimate urban master October 13, 2006
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cheaper harvest of weed, thats c.h.o.w. it's used to describe a premature crop or when the person harvests the crop to early from it's full maturity (not cutting the plants down at it's full peek).
(on the phone)
eric-"got any kill?"
jerry-"nope, but i got some chow though"
by ninjakid February 26, 2004
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