"What? you fucked her? Thats mad Casper"

"I am so casper i am the solution to global warming"

"damn son, he mad casper"
by Eddyson November 2, 2006
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The act of putting a Kleenex on your dick and wiggling it around, pretending it's a ghost.
"Me and my wife does this thing called "caspering" after sex, she puts a Kleenex on my dick, and I wiggle the thing around pretending it's a ghost, I think she is interested by how much control men have over their peni."
by Treatz_QW May 9, 2018
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When your skin be looking pale/like a ghost.
Person 1: Gaspsss! OMG!
Person 2: What is it?
Person 1: I thought I saw a ghost but it was just you. Girlll, you be caspering.
Person 2: Girlll bye, I thought my foundation was my correct shade.
Person 1: Well, you thought wrong girlllll.
by Crusty Scrub June 13, 2019
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usually a white girl whiter than casper who thinks shes black.
damn did you see casper today she acting blacker than ever today.
by tartTart January 29, 2017
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Usually someone who has no backbone, no knowledge and is often too "rash" on punishments. This person usually smokes alott of weed and there for has a dull social life. And also, an all round ass. Usually spends all his time on IRC servers trying to be "cool" with his sexist and twatish remarks.
"dude, why is he being such a casper"
"he must like the cock"
by JordyDropL2k9 February 22, 2009
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The real meaning of 'going casper' is turning pale white, getting sick, and not talking at all. This happens after long blazing sessions, probably after using some kind of nice roor bong.
After two kief bowls out the 3 foot percolated Roor, I was fucking haunted by casper.
by stef greens April 28, 2009
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