Something that costs a lot of money and is non-essential or unattractive.
"Damn baby, those shoes are so ugly they ain't nothin' but cake eaters"
by Camus January 20, 2006
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1) One who eats Cake, either on a regular occasion or on rare events or anywhere in between.
Oh dude don't invite the cake eater to your birthday party, all your cake will be eaten.
by Samurai - Anji April 24, 2008
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When someone kisses so much ass, the world around them seems non-existant.
When JJ Houle is around is girlfriend, he is a cake-eater.
by Mr. Big Head October 20, 2004
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noun. 1. Someone who is easily amused and/or entertained. 2. A gullible individual. 3. To pull the wool over someone's head.
What a Cake Eater! He actually believes Iraq had weapons of Mass destruction.
by Not a cake eater November 10, 2007
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n. a girl who recieves a 9.5 on the hotness scale until she enters a dorm of drunken guys, says nothing, eats cake, and leaves
OMG did you see the 9.5 cake eater?
Hey Matt, there's your 9.5 cake eater.
by udcakeeater May 16, 2011
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