
A cloth or rag used to wipe ones anal region. However, most Jamaicans use it as a substitute for the word f*ck to express anger or surprise.
Bumbaclot! Dem tek mi rolex and mi new links!!
by caiO January 20, 2003
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Bumbaclot, the acme of Jamaican swearing, translates literally as "arsewipe". Its real meaning is more like a slow, surprised "motherfucker"
Bumbaclot Bumbaclot Bumbaclot Bumbaclot
by DanDanSuperman May 22, 2005
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A cloth or rag used as a tampon, etc. Gross, but likely more accurate.
Wha' dee Bum-Bah-CLOT! Cum nah, get dee rass off me car?
by Joe April 7, 2003
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Anything in specific that you woudnt mind calling a motherfucker.
Pass the bumbaclot. Your a bumbaclot.
by Arturo Del Sol January 21, 2006
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Jamaican patois meaning blood clot. One of the worst expletive in Jamaican language.
Yo, go suck your mother you fucking bumbaclot.
by Ryan April 23, 2005
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bog paper - used to wipe the anal region bloodclot}
from: bumba - shit,
clot - paper
tek a pek a tha wee bumbaclot
by flite November 24, 2003
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A Jamaican Rag used to wipe one's ass, or used a substitute tampon, literally calling someone a cunt or assrag
by Jon Seclow June 16, 2006
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