by blondzhen April 19, 2019
Less intense than the experience of "blacking out" when drunk and not remembering portions (or all) of your night, "browning out" occurs when you don't remember something until someone brings it up. It's not a complete blackout, but partial, because you remember once someone refreshes you.
I didn't even remember making out with Bryanne until J-Lo told me (it must not have been that good)! I definitely had a brown out last night.
by Jigga Jaime April 24, 2006
A partial loss of power similar to a blackout, but with less intensity. May cause lights to flicker, electronic devices to turn on/off spontaneusly, etc.
See brownout
See brownout
California, in the midst of a constant energy crisis, is apt to have brown outs, especially during the summer.
by pythonspam May 24, 2004
When the stupid power company lacks the power grid capacity, and causes all my lights to flicker and resets my clocks and computers.
by tex May 24, 2004
A reduction or cutback in electric power, especially as a result of a shortage, a mechanical failure, or overuse by consumers.
by Didda Tinkle May 24, 2004
Something common in the summer during extremely hot days when many people are running high-drain devices such as air-conditioners.
by AJG May 24, 2004
by Scrufty September 9, 2005