Brown Bag

Informal Lunch meeting in a company, where one person (from any department) volunteers to talk about a specific topic. Topic is usually related to the technology, business or market that company is in. Attendence is encouraged, but not compulsory. If your boss is going to attend, then to suck up to him/her, you may also want to attend. The Brown Bag term came up because everyone walks in with their lunch in brown bags, as the comapny does not pay for that lunch. Sometimes, sucker employees volunteer to speak at brown bag to show off their knowledge.
Hey, today at the brown bag, Jim, from TSD department, is going to talk up about nano technology.
by Dilip Dhanda November 23, 2004
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brown bag

a girl who is too ugly to fuck but you would fuck her with a bag over her head
by AnTwat December 10, 2003
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Brown Bagging

sexual act of inserting the scrotum and testicles into a women's anus.
Misty really enjoyed me brown bagging her.
by shrinkles the clown June 29, 2010
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brown bagging it

To conceal an alcoholic beverage in a brown paper bag. This is done to "legally" drink alcohol in public.
Joe was brown bagging it again yesterday afternoon at the park.
by signull August 23, 2006
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brown bagging it

When you go out with an ugly girl simply for sex. Or having sex with an ugly girl. Derived from when a person would do a girl but place a brown paper bag over her head because she is ugly. Like on Scary Movie 2
Dude that girl is ugly as hell! Are you still brown bagging it?
by Xavier Guidry May 13, 2008
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The act of carrying alcoholic liquor at restricted places.

tr.v. brown-bagged, brown-bag·ging, brown-bags.
We got liquor from the regular speakeasy and went driving and brown-bagging all over the city.
by hippy2981 November 8, 2006
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Brown Bag

This phenomenon occurs when one is in the process of defecating. In order to occur, the fecal flux must be a single, uninterrupted outflow, creating a log of such magnitude that the stool reaches the bottom of the bowl before being released. Once this delicate equilibrium is broken, the crap proceeds to fall forwards, gently tickling the underside of your testicular sac, leaving a brown deposit in its wake. This rare occurrence is known as the "brown bag".
-dude, your toilet bowl is so shallow, it gives me brown bags all the time!!
by flapdoodle13 August 4, 2010
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