A whore, a thot, a slut, prostitute, a cum dumpster, anything you can possibly think of to describe a promiscuous woman who engages in sexual activity with the even the ugliest men you can possibly think of.
I did not raise my daughter to be such a brazen harlot.
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Completely Legit Game Made My GeorgeIsTheName
Me: Wanna Play "Brazen Nala"?

Everyone: YES
by Not Vulfoliac June 30, 2021
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An alter ego that comes out after you have had plenty of shots of whiskey, jager bombs and a good number of beers.
While taking jager bombs at a party: "Here comes brazen-man."
by oldfashiontwist February 6, 2010
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A brazen hussy is a woman who is sinverguenza, bold and without shame. My beloved hijo tried to marry such a woman, who was thick with curves and did not wipe her feet. She would not cook for my beloved hijo. So I beat her with mi chancla. Take that, you trolloping strumpet! No brazen hussies for my hijo.
Mi hijo: Food, you lazy bitch!
Brazen Hussy: I just gave birth to your child!
Me: Now I beat you with mi chancla!
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borderline between insanity and funny.
can cause offence if prevoced to by idiots or prevocked.
believed to be smart.
large chance of being in prison.
"that is one crazy brazen" or "if he keep doing that he could end up crazy brazen"
by Crazy brazen February 11, 2004
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Only the most effective and persuasive execution devices ever, of course fashioned and used by the Greeks.

It was a big metal construct in the shape of a bull that a human would be put inside of. Then a fire would be started underneath the bull construct, boiling alive the human inside with excruciating pain (usually releasing quiet visceral screams during it).

These magnificent torture devices struck the fear of god in the hearts of all, effectively dissuading crime.

Person 1: “I’m planning to overthrow the ruler and i need help, you in?
Person 2: “hell no man, I’m not taking any chances with one of them brazen bull thingies
by B book June 5, 2023
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Boldly face something difficult, something that would be easier to avoid. See also front it out.
Jason decided to brazen it out and show up to the lunch hangout spot despite having been dumped by Rebecca the day before. Little could come from hiding with his tail between his legs.
by xnphls April 25, 2020
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