
a rude or insensative person
Nic is such a fuckin boor!
by Alexius November 6, 2003
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when you are excited about something this word is said.
T says: "sup bro, got us some tickets for the sway concert"
D says: "boor!"
by olly t March 4, 2006
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A splice of the English 'boring' and 'boor.' This delightful wordplay, suggests the combination of extreme boredom and a kind of passive rudeness that is so contemptuous as to make one wish to vomit. Syn: passe ennui.
That post-Lacanian treatise on Freud's top-left underwear drawer was so 'booring' as to make me vomit.
by snellite September 12, 2009
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A colloquialised derivative of the original meaning of boor from rude young man to savage drinking beast.

Also used as in 'to boor / go booring' meaning to go out drinking.

i)Oliver Reed, what a total fucking boor!

ii)Any booring this weekend?

iii)That lad loves to boor
by T Boor July 11, 2008
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Uski boor me lund thuk gaya. : Her pussy got struck by a dick
by Mote Lund ka Sipahi January 17, 2004
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1.To inflict a wound with any capable object
Don't make me boor you bruv!
he got boored up
by Stickler August 2, 2006
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jacob boor

Damn, did you see that elephant at the zoo?
Nah man, that was a Jacob Boor
by PimpMastaJizzle May 23, 2010
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