Based on the Netflix show 'Big Mouth' it is the verb to describe the act of being big mouthed. While a friend stays over at his comrades house and he decides to masturbate during the night, this is described as 'big mouthing'.
Daniel: "what are you doing Finn?! Are you big mouthing me?!"
Finn: "Yeah.. sorry I just got really horny.."
by The Hentai Master September 28, 2018
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used in reference to somebody who likes to spread gossip, or who cannot keep a secret
His ex-girlfriend told everyone that he had a small penis. When he found out, he just said that she had a big mouth.
by yorrick hunt January 24, 2008
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When a person talk too much, they have a big mouth.
That little boy has a big mouth.
by kame63 June 30, 2011
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Based on the Netflix show 'Big Mouth' one of the characters masterbates whilst on a sleep over at his friend's house. To big mouth someone is to masterbate at at a sleep over when others sleep.
Finn: "I know you big mouthed me last night..."
Daniel:"Omg! I thought you were asleep I'm so sorry... I was just so horny."
by ScruffyNuffy July 2, 2018
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The best show on this earth (jays fine asf)
I love jessie from big mouth
by finnlvr3 June 4, 2022
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the worst show ever to exist which for some reason Netflix has pumped out SIX SEASONS WITH MORE TO COME and cancelled SEVERAL REALLY GOOD SHOWS AND I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT-

someone who talks a lot
john: yo wanna watch big mouth?
pat: kill yourself
by bigmanjerry October 16, 2023
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