by bgjooon March 21, 2010
as a noun: a painfully, unfunny individual completely lacking in humor and self awareness
as a verb: to beez--to bring a complete lack of sense of humor to a situation
as a verb: to beez--to bring a complete lack of sense of humor to a situation
by Davisian June 22, 2007
by Mez Foz October 7, 2006
It was in the change room that I first noticed that he had beez on tee (balls on top); or, I could really go for some beez on tee (beans on toast).
by Bob Boston May 9, 2003
The act of spreading Burt Bees on the lower and upper eyelids to experience a euphoric burning sensation which commonly provokes a feeling of elation. Associated with alertness, Beezing is popular in both social and academic settings.
Origins: Colby College, The Echo Office
Origins: Colby College, The Echo Office
by Dr.Beeze June 14, 2010