verb-A couple's favorite part of the honeymoon
Fred: How was the honeymoon?
Ted: Good, we had a lot of bedtime ;)
by Dah Boss February 3, 2010
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The last joint of the day. Shortened from 'bedtime bifter'.
"Come on Nick, time for bed."

"Yeah alright. Let me roll my bedtimer dude."
by The Strut October 1, 2004
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When an individual is ordered to go to their room, turn off the lights, and pretend to sleep. But most of the time, pretending to sleep results in real sleep.
Bob: My bedtime is 6:30 p.m.
Joe: My bedtime is 6:00 p.m. Lucky.
by DarkSwitch_Alchemist December 17, 2014
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anytime your eyes are burning after 12am.
You: I think it's enough BF playing for now, my eyes are burning =/
Friend: Well, it is 5am.. Guess its bedtime then...
You: Yes, gdnite :)
Friend: nighty
by w00dy January 16, 2005
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that time of the day when you must rest your little head and go to sleep; the time when you most want to be awake.
It is bedtime...I hate my life.
by hotchick317 August 1, 2005
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a time when someone must go to bed
you was at the club?”
no i wasn’t my bedtime is at 10
by epicdefaultdancer August 7, 2019
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Bedtime"well if it isn't my old nemesis, Mr. Baby!"
Baby"I will never fall victim to likes of zzzzzzzz."
Bedtime"it seems I have won this round."
"Yo Ima sick ass Baby and ain't need no bedtime becau-zzzzzzzzz."
by I CRAZY UNICORN January 20, 2020
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