by Mart October 8, 2004
by jolibee September 1, 2010
A mild insult, usually directed at a person of Indian descent, due to their inherent odor of curry. Most effective with the prefix chicken.
by Bobocakes2 May 27, 2009
Balti is a name given to beautiful grown up man who are buff and athlete and most of the baltis are fuck boys but have so much charm and can fake relationship with girls but as for the boies baltis are the most epic humans and funny and mostly they are the most handsome guys there also you can find the name balti common in the netherlands
by DuckLoverPotato May 20, 2020
v: orally pleasuring a woman to the point of multiple ejaculations
n: the act of giving a woman oral sex to the point of her ejaculating multiple fukin times
adj: really really pleasurable
n: the act of giving a woman oral sex to the point of her ejaculating multiple fukin times
adj: really really pleasurable
by Balty March 8, 2008
An primarly eastcoast hairstyle, said to have origonated in Maryland, used mostly by teenage laxcrosse boys. The hairstyle resembles the "just took my lax helmet off" look. The hair flips out at the ends, and the back is cut above the collar. The hair is often curly or wavy as a result.
It has also been refered to as "sophisticated helmet hair".
It has also been refered to as "sophisticated helmet hair".
by Baltie July 23, 2009
by Normie fuck October 5, 2019