Julie: I am training to be a ballerina.
Cindy: How?
Julie: By dancing 6 hours a week and countless hours of practice at home
Cindy: How?
Julie: By dancing 6 hours a week and countless hours of practice at home
by Rebecca teh 1337 mastah January 11, 2006
by Da Chipmunk December 31, 2004
1. a. A dancer of the utmost grace and eloquence. Albert Einstein calls ballet dancers "athletes of god". They obtain their skill through passion, dedication, and long hours of gruelling practice; or because their mothers are living vicariously through them.
b. A complete fucking prissy ass bitch.
c. Sworn enemy of the honest girl.
b. A complete fucking prissy ass bitch.
c. Sworn enemy of the honest girl.
I'm going to wax the floor of the downtown dance studio tonight so I can kill all those damned ballerinas.
by foxy_holiday October 7, 2006
by G0NER September 13, 2009
What you call someone who's a klutz or clumsy. Someone who trips or falls a lot. Sarcastically speaking, of course.
by Mme. Shauna April 7, 2004
Gabrielle is a ballerina, she trains over 19 hours a week because she wants to be a proffesional dancer.
by Danceyourlifeaway November 5, 2007
The female equivalent of a baller. Usually used to describe awesome people, people who just get stuff done, or people who just totally pwned someone or something.
by El Meister Troizimios March 20, 2009