
A person who, through hard work and countless hours, is able to dance ballet as a professional.
Julie: I am training to be a ballerina.
Cindy: How?
Julie: By dancing 6 hours a week and countless hours of practice at home
by Rebecca teh 1337 mastah January 11, 2006
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Dancer, preferably a dancer who either loves it or hates it. Dedicated types have ugly feet.
Ballerinas are usually pretty hot..haha...
by Da Chipmunk December 31, 2004
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1. a. A dancer of the utmost grace and eloquence. Albert Einstein calls ballet dancers "athletes of god". They obtain their skill through passion, dedication, and long hours of gruelling practice; or because their mothers are living vicariously through them.
b. A complete fucking prissy ass bitch.
c. Sworn enemy of the honest girl.
I'm going to wax the floor of the downtown dance studio tonight so I can kill all those damned ballerinas.
by foxy_holiday October 7, 2006
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a girl who likes it from the back while standing on her tippy toes
"she took that dick like a ballerina"
by G0NER September 13, 2009
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What you call someone who's a klutz or clumsy. Someone who trips or falls a lot. Sarcastically speaking, of course.
Nice job falling down the stairs, you ballerina, you.
by Mme. Shauna April 7, 2004
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A girl or woman who does ballet as either a recreational activity or proffesional career.
Gabrielle is a ballerina, she trains over 19 hours a week because she wants to be a proffesional dancer.
by Danceyourlifeaway November 5, 2007
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The female equivalent of a baller. Usually used to describe awesome people, people who just get stuff done, or people who just totally pwned someone or something.
Man, that meeting was awesome! Lucy totally demolished that guy. She's such a ballerina.
by El Meister Troizimios March 20, 2009
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