Your done

Girls who say Your done needs to go wash they stank ass pussy and under their tittys
Jamya Your done .
by Samerra Brasswell January 24, 2022
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Your done. Your done.

Used in a joking way when something is semi-annoying
*washing the dishes to be a good child*

"Hey don't forget yo do the dishes"

Your done. Your done.
by Your.average.idiot December 24, 2021
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your done your done

A tiktok phrase that many teens say in an attempt to be funny and impress their fellow students.
Person A: I accidentally broke your pen
Person B: Your done Your done (in a weird accent)
by Koolkat69696969 November 24, 2021
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done your nut?

What’s up with you mate?
Done your nut?
by Staifreak March 13, 2018
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done your legs

to knock someone down and prevent them from continuing a certain action.
Carl told Sarah I've been sleeping with her sister so she dumped me.

He's really done your legs there mate.
by KarmaBlue September 17, 2017
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done your dance

when someone embarrasses you or makes fun of you for doing something and then calls you out on it
*friend 1(big ussy) makes fun of friend 2(tariq)*

friend 3 (waqqas): yo bro he done your dance

friend 2 (waqqas): yeah bro i did ahaaha
by cuzzybro75topshotta0121 March 29, 2021
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