by ilovemorg December 2, 2015
What you even doing?
by Isocahedron August 30, 2017
something a knob says that means ‘what are you doing?’ ‘or how are you?’ - you never know how to reply to it so just go with ‘not much’
by heyyuh August 1, 2021
by bxlla April 11, 2018
Like when one of yo dawgs in the hood is like OH DAMN YO COUSIN IS HOT CUZ Y U NEVER TELL ME YO HAD A CUZIN? And you be like wys?!
by ImJustAMexican October 28, 2014
The greatest way to ask your buddy (male or female) if they would actually have sex with the person you are talking about.. So SUBTLE, and the person never knows.. WY is the first 2 letters in "WOULD YOU". Say the letters by themselves, together fast. And no one is the wiser!
by David February 9, 2005