
The kitten who can name fruit. This cute little feline can be seen on Cartoon Network's "Fridays", every Friday at 7:00 EST.
"Avacodo" - one of the fruits named by Whiskers
by DanMat6288 July 24, 2004
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Irish slang for Male music eccentrics with a strong political background of whom attempt beard growth to enhance their attraction to other men
David Collins is DJ Whiskers
by Iam Sam February 19, 2009
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The faded horizontal line marks below front jeans' pockets.
whiskers can look cool on some but gay on others e.g. David Schwimmer.
by hytham_hammer July 8, 2005
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"hey im going to go get a whisker"
"im gonna go whisker right now"
by whisker king January 10, 2009
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v. The act of licking your foot whilst scratching your head and letting off awful gas as your cat bites your ass.
I'm sorry I couldn't pick up the phone I've been whiskering all day.
by Lade August 3, 2004
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A very curious kitty kat who goes by the name of krista
Krista: my friends call me whiskers cause im oh so curious
by christabelle January 4, 2007
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Incredibly slow Lunch Lady who does frequent cavity searches for food and who has a bigger beard than an omish priest. (often dislikes cullinan)
"Damn whiskers went a little too deep that time...."
by Not Bobby Cemprola May 22, 2003
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