
Term used to describe a guy who is totally dictated by his girlfriend. Would do anything for her, including ditching mates and just being a general bitch
That guy is a total Wetter. yea he is definitely his girlfriends bitch
by Mr. Big Guns December 18, 2010
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1. Used to define someone who crossed the border illegaly and thus wet his back crossing the Rio.

2. A person that acts and dresses like he just crossed the border.
1. Damn that Wetter is living under the 10 freeway.

2. Hey fool, stop acting like a Wetter and leave your chancletas at home.
by pAdrian July 29, 2005
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A wetter is a lonely, sad and disgusting human. He/She will never amount to anything in their meaningless life; to put it simply, a wetter is a nobody.
Oh yeah that Paul? He's such a wetter, plus he's a ginger so double baggage for him!
by emofag229 July 6, 2016
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Only heard this used in inner-Nottingham. Slang word for gun. Comes from the phrase "wet up" or "splashed" - Meaning shot.
"I Got One Wish To Make The World Better, So Blad Jus' Put Down That Wetter, 'Cuz I Know Bare Man Dont Wanna Work Labour, But Wanna Have Cash, Wanna Have Paper" - Lyrics by an MC called "Jagz"...Notts Property - Dats Different.
by SkinniT April 29, 2007
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Used to describe a bladed instrument such as a knife or sword
"blood that twat just pulled a wetter on me"
by Muttley07 August 10, 2007
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A common word in the uk used to describe someone as being soft this comes from the term wet wipe
nah he’s wetters fam don’t add him back’
by valentinoooooo November 27, 2019
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harlesden slang for a promiscuous girl.a female who loves having sexual intercourse.in extreme cases,possibly numerous times, with different bres on a daily basis.

meaning comes from da fact that their genitalia is always wet n ready 2 go.

more often than not,wetters are also gold diggers and obviously hos
male1-"im goin 2 settle dwn n make her my wifey"

male2-"r u mad?dat girl's mashed every bre in da manor.shes a wetters!!"
by ndubzk February 9, 2007
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