He will smash you so hard on the switch. he is so good that he cant be in baby games like super smash baby's or super toenail party. He wants to be a god. instead he is stuck being rejected. Waluigi Fucked Nintendo So hard That He Wont Be Able To Be In Super Smash Bros Anyday soon. And Thats a good thing. Waluigi Isnt A Fucking Peasant. Waluigi Wants To WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA On Adult Games Like Fuck You 69 or Tea For 2. (BOOTY)
Waluigi Is A god. the end.
by 100% zane November 28, 2018
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The greatest Mario Bros. character ever. He is the most overpowered assist trophy in Smash and the best racer in Mario Kart. Without the pointy-chinned god in purple, nobody would even care about any of the games in the Mario Bros. franchise
Anonymous Loser: Mario is the best character in the Mario Bros. franchise because he is the title character of the greatest video game in the history of video games
Me, an intellectual: Waluigi number one, oh yeah
by Isaac Taylor August 31, 2019
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The sexiest man in all of the world. No one can rival him except our glorious lord Tachanka. That moustache is sexy enough to seduce anyone and he should be in super smash bros not just an assist trophy

Wow ,waluigi is so sexy. He should definitely be in smash
by YesBigDaddyDolan January 27, 2019
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Ahhhhh waluigi didnt get into smash ultimate whyyyyyyy...
by OnionCat December 13, 2018
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Should be in Super Smash Bros Ultimate.
But he isn’t.
Hey dude wanna play Smashing Bros
Only if I get to play Waluigi
He’s not in the game
I don’t want to live anymore
by Moltens September 6, 2018
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A guy that hates Luigi, but has his same situation.............
Nintendo fans will rage until the company makes a Waluigi game.
by Kevin Anthony February 1, 2018
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Waluigi is the greatest Mario character in the history of the universe and also the best husbando (male version of waifu).
He is known for his lankiness, purple clothes, special figure of speech saying "WAA" every now and then. His symbol is an upside-down L.

Waluigi is so powerful he could easily defeat Bowser with his legs alone and stomp rivals into the ground - literally - in seconds. For comparison - Bowser can smash rocks his size with a single punch and use his fire breath to burn a thick tree in seconds.
Waluigi is also the best memelord ever. He makes quality memes that transcend almost every other meme except for extremely good memes such as Shrek.
The only two things Waluigi cannot achieve are Getting friends (Waluigi's only friend is Wario) and the one thing he was trying to do since 2008:
Becoming a playable character in super smash bros.
He tries over and over again since brawl, when Wario was added, but with no success. Until today, Waluigi is left as merely an assist trophy. Waluigi could be a character if he was to threaten Masahiro Sakurai, the creator of super smash bros., but Waluigi plays fair and is very peace loving so he won't do that.
Overall, Waluigi is extremely powerful, charming and memable but lacks social skills and didn't manage to become a playable character in super smash bros.
Person 1: Who's your favorite Mario character?
Person 2: Is this even a question? Waluigi, of course! Couldn't get into smash tho
by Bubblebody January 15, 2020
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