The translation of the word EA, in cartinese. An anticipated action, that takes so long to happen, it seemingly never will.
by ImaClown:D December 10, 2019
Damarcus nigger: ay bruh you listen to WLR yet?
Bob: yeah my fellow negro that wlr was smackin grinch tonight!
Bob: yeah my fellow negro that wlr was smackin grinch tonight!
by Playboicartisballsack August 10, 2022
Whole Lotta Red- Second studio album by Playboi Carti. It took him two fucking years to bring that album out and it was overhyped as fuck. At the end it turned out to be trash.
by zeeeboy January 24, 2021
Lil uzi's album, Whole Lotta Red which is so shit i'd rather have my dick in an anthill than listen to it.
by ezcp222222 December 26, 2020
“Yo, Playboi Carti dropped Whole Lotta Red!” “I know, that album was ass.” (A few weeks later) “You we’re right WLR was fire.” “Your a bandwagon, that’s what I call the WLR effect.”
by CJPeeny October 30, 2021
When an event or action isn't particularly pleasing the first time it is put into fruition but is much more pleasurable among later doings of the event or action.
The WLR album by playboi carti is not remarkably good upon the first listen, but is rather extraordinary during later listens - the WLR effect
by Augustus Octavian January 24, 2023